Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Lesson 4 : Zone System and The Ansel Adam's Project

Hey peeps! i'm back :D
for this lesson we learnt about Zone system

The Zone System is a photographic technique for determining optimal film exposure  and  developement formulated by Ansel Adam and Fred Archer
The Zone System provides photographers with a systematic method of precisely defining the relationship between the way they visualize the photographic subject and the final results.
Basically the exposure meters in your camera are dumb. ..like really DUMB!..Why? Because they assume every single thing you photograph have the same tonal value which is middle gray. About Zone 5 in the chart below.

  Just a brief description about the Zone System


 This picture shows the different zones in the photo and the table below explains stuff
about each zone.

For our exercise assignment, we were told to photograph 3 sets/pairs of photos. Each pair to have its exposure determined by the DSLR, then by us. The 3 sets had to be of the light zone, middle zone, and dark zone.This exercise is to be conducted in 15minutes around the campus.

Here are the pictures which I took:
Left side : What the camera thinks
Right side : What i think


What I learn is that, what the camera says isn't always right.This is because the "right exposure" will always be the middle gray.However, certain pictures tend to have a different zone value which doesn't go according the what the exposure meter in the camera says. As a conclusion to that, dont always trust the exposure meter in your camera :D.

For the second part of the assignment, we were told to take a photo of any subject showing what we had learnt from the zone system.We were given about a week to produce our work

Below is the "Ansel Adam" shot that I've taken
It's a shadow picture of my coursemate "Kim " :)
Credits to her for becoming my model..^^

After getting approval from Mr Vinod regarding our picture, we then had to edit the picture into 4 different types which are B/W , RGB ,CMYK and Gray Scale. We were also instructed to print out our 5X7 photos at a shop called "Applied Imaging" .To be honest, It was quite troublesome to go to that shop as it takes some time to reach there.But then again, I realised that It was located nearby my relative's housing area :) . I then asked my relatives for help when it came to picking up the pictures .This actually saved my time as I only had to travel there once instead of twice! XD.Overall, I was really satisfied with the outcome because the pictures turned out nice and it was printed at a reasonable price.

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